How to Prevent Relapse to Sustain Sobriety?


Going to rehab, getting your addiction treated, and maintaining sobriety is a milestone achieved. It requires ardent dedication, intense efforts, and gutsy willpower. You cannot achieve miraculous sobriety overnight; it needs management and accurate treatment from detox or rehabilitation centers to cut down the cycle. To overcome alcoholism and achieve sobriety, you need to go through different facets of supportive programs, therapies, counseling, and Relapse prevention skills in Florida.

Once you have enjoyed your sobriety kingdom, you might not want to fall into the trap and be dragged into a cesspool. But the pathway of sobriety is like a rollercoaster ride that has ups and downs. No matter if you have recently recovered from drug addiction or are a veteran in sobriety, the risk of relapse unnerved and apprehensive. Relapse prevention skills are the armor that can avoid skidding in the same addiction again.

The Aloha Detox provides customized “Relapse prevention skills” after completion of their agreed in-patient treatment program. The tailored program can take the form of extended coaching or counseling skills, group therapyindividual therapy, and access to a 24X 7 helpline to ensure sustained recovery.

Why Do People Relapse?

Relapsing doesn’t accompany a particular reason; it could be due to stress, boredom, cravings, mental trauma, or other triggers. However, understanding the root cause can help people deal with them and avoid relapsing. Relapse is not a failure; it is proof that you have been putting your best efforts in the path of recovery. To err is human; relapse can happen to anyone, whether a person has been sober for the last few days upto few years.

You might have friends that lack motivation and are prone to relapse. If so, you need to ask for help from renowned AA fellowships or professional counselors who can help them cope with it.

Self Relapse Prevention Technique

At Aloha Detox, we can help you out with Relapse prevention skills in Florida with different techniques and approaches that can deduct the barriers of relapse and intensify your sobriety.

  • Distract Yourself

Did you know most of your cravings and intense feelings disappear within 30 minutes? All you need is to distract yourself. Keep a handy plan and list so that you can do something that pampers you so deeply that you forget the craves when you feel the urge. It could be a fun hangout with friends, attending a meeting, or even a simple conversation with counselors.

  • Share your Thoughts

Stress and melancholy feeling can wrench you within and restrain you from indulging in your best activities. Share your thoughts and relieve yourself from the burden; get a solution to it. People supporting you in your recovery may not realize your inner struggles; they can help you only if they know the problem. Sharing helps you feel less isolated and prevent relapse.

  • Consider Results

If a simple thought provokes you and threatens your sobriety, consider the serious consequences. Who will be affected by it? What will be the implications? And many more factors. Ask yourself, is relapse worth it?

  • Relax and Unwind

Stress, anxiety, and pressure are some of the triggers that postulate relapse. You need to find ways to relax and de-clutter things that threaten your peace. Indulge in activities that you enjoy, learn some relaxation techniques, meditate, scrap down your thoughts, so you should ease down the burden of emotions and unwind yourself.

At Aloha Detox, we believe recovery is a constant aggressive process that needs dedication and zero room for un-cluttered and chaotic thoughts. We provide optimal support and evidence-based approaches to meet your sobriety. If you know someone who needs to start their journey of sobriety or needs Relapse prevention skills to overcome alcoholic syndrome, get in touch with us. Call us now – 888-892-5642 or more information enquire us at


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