Impact of Alcohol on Your Teenage Development


Addiction is a family disease as it impacts the doers or addicts and jolts everyone within a family unit. Drugs or alcoholism have overwhelming and devastating consequences of the disease on families. It’s quite distressing to watch your loved one deliberately lose the ability to control behavior, impair their mental functioning, and damage their overall spirit. However, as a family, along with them, you have to face the adverse effects of whether you are head of the family, father, or child of an addict.

Every year, underage drinking contributes to a higher rate of mortality, about 5,000 people under the age of 21. However, underage drinking is illegal in the state, but it has severe consequences for the teens and their families who get involved in it. As per the report presented by the Substance Abuse and Mental health service administration, there are about 10 million vulnerable underage drinkers; amongst them, 6.5 million were binge drinkers, and two million are heavy drinkers. As a teenager, if you are clouded by doubt or assured of the dangerous situation, it’s imperative to get intervention from Drug and Alcohol Detox Delray Beach before it’s too late.

Reasons teen develops alcohol or drug addiction.

As per Detox Center in Delray Beach, Florida, every teenager has different drinking habits compared to adults, as habits, even reasons might differ from drinking. Some of the possibilities are:

  • Peer pressure
  • Dealing with emotional traumas and pain
  • Socializing
  • Handling life transitions
  • Genetics

Teen Drinking patterns and contribution to addiction

Teens are more vulnerable to adapt to alcohol compared to marijuana or cigarettes. However, as per National Institute on Drug Abuse, individuals with drug addiction or alcoholism have diagnosable mental health disorders.

Teenagers don’t share the same patterns of alcohol use as adults. They engage in episodes of binge drinking and do not follow the same patterns every time. However, repeatedly binge drinking dents the growing teenage brain and can produce adverse long-term effects like cognitive impairment, attention, and memory. As the teenage brain is still developing, it can negatively impair development and provoke dangers associated with it. Beyond highly depending on the drink, some of the other dangers include:

  • Higher risk of violent behavior
  • Poor judgment decisions
  • Increase risk of alcohol-related accidents
  • Academic performance issue
  • Unwanted or unplanned sexual activity
  • Disruption in normal development
  • Increase risk of hangover and other accompanied illness

Drug or Alcohol treatment for teens

One of the first steps to avoid the strenuous situation is helping someone to overcome the pool of addiction. As a parent, playing blame games, pointing fingers, getting frustrated and annoyed doesn’t always help; instead, you should interrogate and understand their problem with alcohol or drugs.

The cornerstone in healthy addiction recovery is admitting that they are tangled in the problem. At the same time, the next step that follows is medical detoxification from Drugs and Alcohol rehab in Delray Beach, Florida.

Get help for Teen Addiction.

Teen Alcohol addiction can disrupt lives and potentially strain you as a father. The sooner you decrease the risks by hindering them from alcohol intake and intervene with them with treatment, the lower your struggles to overcome addiction problems. Avoid your teen to gravitate to risk behavior and life-threatening issues; get help from Drug Centers in Delray Beach, Florida.

Aloha Detox offers tailored intervention programs for teens and families. Call us now – 888-892-5642 or For more information enquire us at


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