How to Stay Sober on Weekends After a Long Hectic Week?


After Detox Center Florida, your life has to undergo many challenges and dilemmas: staying sober on weekends. Earlier, you used to consider alcohol as the panacea for all problems, celebrations, and decisive solutions for all intellectual and unintellectual activities, but now being sober, you need to alter your norms and traits and lead look out ways to enjoy your life without alcohol or substance.

Everywhere you turn, there is a pre-event cocktail hour or a random and innocuous message popping, “let’s meet for a drink this weekend.” Many things can happen that can trigger you to revisit and acculturate to destructive habits. Being bored and sitting ideally can lead to restlessness and postulate old habits, thats not a good scenario. Being sober doesn’t mean you should dread the weekends. Instead, here are a few things that you can do on a weekend that is fun, unique, and imperatively won’t put your recovery at risk.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

At Alcohol Detox Drugs, we learned to be selfish in terms of recovery and sustaining sobriety. Attend the events and parties with someone you trust and not someone who would nag you to have “just one” drink and dent your sobriety. Try to stay away from places that have a strong smell of alcohol and can trigger and recapture the past episodes.

Get Plenty of Support

Addiction Centers, Florida, suggests building a social and emotional connection with recovery fellowship programs. Your city has a host of support groups, and you would be able to find late meetings on weekends, which gives you a place to go somewhere instead of a bar. Even at the initial stages, initial support is crucial to promote healthy outcomes and can help ease your addiction recovery process.


Traveling vacation is not about meeting new people or clicking out some instagrammable sunsets. It’s more than sipping margaritas on a sun-soaked beach with tremendous benefits on well-being. Traveling helps you feel calm and promotes happiness, joy, and venting out stressful situations. Take a break from your hustle and bustle, recharge, relax and rejuvenate yourself by traveling to different destinations.

Consider Dual Diagnosis program.

Once you have accomplished your phase of Detox Center Florida and move ahead for recovery, it doesn’t mean you don’t need help. In the realm of sustaining sobriety, you need help every time at every step. Addiction centers provide Aftercare therapies, treatment, and counseling for substance abuse disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders with programs like Dual diagnosis.

Some other weekend activities to try

You don’t need alcohol every time to enjoy your weekends or end your working day. There are plenty of things you could inject into your life and still have fun. Some of the activities are:

  • Bowling
  • Arts and craft projects
  • Cooking and/or baking
  • Movie Night
  • Game night
  • Hobby class
  • Yoga or fitness class
  • Go to library
  • Video chat with the friend zone
  • Video game tournament
  • Sports watch party
  • Spa Day
  • Hiking and exploring
  • Learn new skillGardening
  • Day trip
  • Recreational sports team

Whatever you might indulge in, do it with intention. Whatever you do, whether you sip sparkling water or enjoy karaoke night, be kind to yourself. Build yourself up positively, nourish healthy habits and celebrate with communities. Once you stop binge drinking, you would realize the worth of sober life.

At Aloha Detox, we help people stay sober and follow a lovely esplanade of recovery. If you cannot get through your holiday weekend sober and have experienced a setback, we are there to help you get back on track. Slips are common but getting help is valor. Call us now – 888-892-5642 or more information enquire us at


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