What is Trauma Therapy in Addiction


Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapy in Florida

Any kind of unresolved trauma is the leading cause of addiction and substance abuse. You can search Trauma Resolution Therapy Florida to seek professional help. Certain studies suggest that the likelihood of a person developing an addiction goes up two to four times if they experience childhood trauma, according to an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study. Trauma can be of many types and includes but is not limited to –

● Emotional abuse
● Gang violence
● Sexual assault
● Physical assault
● Witness shooting or stabbing of a person
● The sudden death of a parent or trusted caregiver
● Hospitalization

More often than not, addiction is directly correlated to any kind of trauma a person went through in their life. The person who is abusing alcohol or any other substance is less likely to be able to handle/manage their trauma effectively. Because of trauma, the person develops an addiction, and because of that addiction, the person is now less capable of dealing with the trauma. It’s a vicious trap to fall into. A Trauma Resolution Therapy Florida combines traditional psychotherapy with modern approaches to reprogram the distressing memories and images.

Some of the Trauma Resolution Therapy Florida uses for addiction recovery are as follows –

1) Prolonged Exposure (PE) – Prolonged exposure is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy in which you are gradually exposed to trauma-related feelings, situations and memories. PE has been proven to be effective for anxiety disorders, those with substance use disorders, and PTSD

2) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT is also a form of psychological treatment that has been proven to be effective for a multitude of problems like depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and severe mental illness. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has also proven to be effective with alcohol and drug use problems.

3) Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) – As the name suggests, cognitive processing therapy helps the person process their trauma. Usually, they are required to write about the traumatic experience and then read it out loud in front of the therapist to help their client process the trauma.

It is often more common than not that when a person has suffered trauma, they never got a chance to learn to deal with it or even speak about it. Because it is not easy to talk about what you’re going through, especially in a society where topics like Mental health are still considered taboo. And people who suffer any kind of trauma often find solace in substance abuse and addiction; it’s not that they enjoy it; maybe they do it to numb the pain for a while, to try to escape it for as long as possible, and as often as possible.

And that is the reason trauma therapy is important in addiction. As long as that trauma is still there, what’s the point of taking away their escape mechanism? Without that trauma resolved, is there even any upside to sobriety for them?

A person’s traumas are the root cause of a lot of their mental problems. And without addressing the root cause of the problem, we’ll only delay the damage from occurring, not solve it.

At Aloha Detox, we understand that certain traumas could lead to long-lasting effects and scars on the mind and soul. That’s why we offer not just addiction treatment physically but mentally too. If you know someone dealing with mental health issues or requires Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapy in Florida, walk through our doors.

Call us now – 888-892-5642 or more information enquire us at info@alohadetox.com


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