Drug Detox vs. Alcohol Detox


Oxford dictionary explains Detox as a time process in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic and unhealthy substances. 

Withdrawals are ushered with serious symptoms, including shaking, shivering, sweating, confusion or delirium tremens, or even fatality. The Death rate has been estimated as high as 4 percent, which is almost 1 in 25. 

Detoxifications are a cornerstone for drug or alcohol treatment; it requires the removal of toxins from the bloodstream. The dangers of drugs and alcohol withdrawal are connected to the response to extreme changes in the chemical processes of the brain and body. Every person’s journey towards Alcohol Detox or Drug Detox is different as it reckons on numerous factors, including the type of substance abused, complexity, timeframe, and much more. Compounding the risk, few people can clearly explain to their doctors about the alcohol they drink. 

People who generally toss off glasses of wine a night for years might go through withdrawal when they stop. But those who lie in another category of four or more drinks should look for medical help at Alcohol Detox Florida help when attempting to stop. Any substance abruptly stopped can begin to cause physical and mental symptoms, from minor to major. The different withdrawal symptoms may vary from person to person as per regularity, complexity, behavioral patterns, and much more that cohesively impact the recovery. 

Drug Detox vs. Alcohol Detox Florida

A person who often relied on Drugs or Alcohol would find the withdrawal symptoms common, including abdominal pain, irritability, sweats, shaking and nausea, and more. However, some conditions unique to alcohol detox are mostly delirium tremens and hallucinations. 

One of the reasons a person requires Detoxification   is due to the intense withdrawal symptoms that cannot be handled without medical supervision or expertise. However, not all substances require supervised Detox, but a medical assisted team is essential if you suffer from marijuana or cocaine addiction. 

Length of Alcohol Detox vs. Drug Detox

For Alcohol and Drug Detox, there is no particular pattern that is predetermined. However, alcohol drug withdrawal often ends up from 7 to 10 days in complex cases, while in mild ones, it may last for a couple of days. Drug Detox depends upon the type of drug abused and its complexity. The detox process is unique for each substance. 

Each substance can stimulate numerous symptoms, which could be life-threatening too. A Drug Detox or Alcohol Detox Florida, if performed under supervision, can diminish the chances of risks and helps navigate unpleasant symptoms smoothly with adequate treatments and therapies. 

When is Medical Detox Required?

In Medical Detox, the intense withdrawal symptoms are treated with prescription medications that are FDA approved and do not develop over time. These medications are provided to reduce the chances of unpleasant symptoms and cravings while helping to be calm and relaxed. 

When is the Holistic Detox program Required?

Some addictions are complex that require medically-assisted Detox, while others are repressed through holistic treatment philosophy. These treatment protocols are formulated to support the body during the Alcohol Detox or Drug Detox rather than supporting prescription medications. Holistic therapy encompasses nutritional therapy, exercise regimens, supplementary treatments, and more. 

Aloha Detox – Safe, Reliable Drug and Alcohol Detox

Substance abuse is a complex condition. Before breaking the mental addiction to drugs and overcoming the maladaptive behaviors, it is crucial to burst the loop of physical dependence. Although strong willpower and the support of your friends and family are not enough to recover and prevent relapses, you need someone to steer you in the right direction. Expertise from Aloha Detox would help you manage withdrawal symptoms and devise treatment that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Call us now – 888-892-5642 or more information enquire us at info@alohadetox.com


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